Only love can heal a scarred soul

Jessica Porter is recovering from a medical procedure that has left her both physically and mentally scarred.

Before she goes back to work, she calls upon the services of her trusted escort, Laurel. When a mix-up at the agency brings Liz to her door instead, it doesn’t take long for Liz to charm Jessica.

As Liz’s disarming ways help Jessica slowly open up to the new reality of her body and her life, Jessica finds herself falling for Liz a little more each time.

But can Jessica accept Liz into her life completely, unusual career and all? Or will the pressure of keeping up appearances doom their relationship before it has a chance to flourish?

Find out in this deeply emotional addition to best-selling lesbian romance author Harper Bliss’ Pink Bean series.

Every book in this series can be read as a standalone without having read the others.

★★★★★ “Each book in this series is so unique and I am fully invested in this series and the amazing characters in each story.”

Publisher: Ladylit